• “I worked for Inez soon after graduating college. As a young person just starting out, Inez was a role model—the epitome of professionalism, creativity and, quite honestly, fun. She brought joy to the job and shared her knowledge and experience with a generosity that most people don’t make time for. Anyone who knows her would agree that Inez is brilliant, inventive and insightful—it’s a highlight of my career to have worked with her.”

    — Aseem Batra

  • “When I speak with Inez Odom and complete a coaching session, I feel better and I do better.”

    — Maurya Sullivan, Land Use and Telecommunications Counsel

  • “Inez taught me how it IS possible to see, trust, and connect on a very real level right away when people are coming from a genuine place and have the experience and shared perspective to make incredible things happen together. I’m so inspired by how Inez carries herself, how she connects with others, and how sharp she is while remaining so kind and focused on the whole person, especially when it comes to young people.”

    — Ray Dass